Why “No Republicans Needed” is Necessary

Political Correctness as a response to political corruption…

NRN / Editorial Board

Why ‘No Republicans Needed’ is Necessary

No Republicans Needed is a strong statement, perhaps even considered extreme by some. It may be considered radical. That’s exactly the point.  At this very moment, we have a president at the helm of this nation – by all intents and purposes the most powerful leader in the free world – who is a Republican by all rights. And the Republican leadership is supporting his childish behavior and erratic actions. In doing so, they are failing us. They are failing the people, but disguising their ideas in language that is received as support for the people.  The mission of NRN is to deliver facts to counter the false narratives being spread through twisted ideology. We are here to deliver a dose of truth to curb diversion tactics that can impact clarity regarding the best political interest for our nation. The number one fact driving the NRN initiative is that people with more information make better decisions. Our purpose is to be a platform that will use information as a tool to spark action. The general information is out there, but a central location that provides the path of least confusion to key details of the governmental process as well as news and current events is a much-needed resource. That is why we are here.

NRN is not rocket science. It is an opportunity for people who are passionate about fairness and equity in America, as well as those that want a chance to share what they believe is truthful and empowering information. If you agree with the Republican leadership, then this is probably not the place for you. If you think that Republicans are doing an excellent job and have the best interest for all Americans, then this website is probably not for you.  But if you think there should be a change in how America’s leadership demonstrates accountability for all, then the current Republican leadership should be voted out. If you do feel like basic human rights are being compromised and only the one percent is being heard not only in Washington, but on the state and local level – then welcome to NRN.  Some may say No Republicans Needed is divisive. Do not be distracted by that. There is a group (Republicans) that is advocating for rich and advocating for corporations. By doing so, they are in direct opposition of equity and inclusion issues facing the women, minorities, poor, and the disenfranchised. It is important to ignite a community that fights for those who don’t have the financial and political influence to fend for themselves.

Are there good people that vote for Republicans out there? We are sure there are. However, the message of the party, by way of their actions in the current political climate, says, “we don’t care about most of the population.” When it comes to voting, Republicans are lock and step with Trump. They are supporting efforts of gerrymandering that create voting advantages for their constituents. They don’t speak to what their brand is supposed to be or the values that they espouse – which are fiscal responsibility and Christian values.  NRN is here to share what’s going on in politics and not necessarily sugar coat it. The idea of equity and fairness is something we believe in. The dividing line has been drawn – and not by us. The current administration promotes division. We do not want a racist or a hate group sympathizer in The White House. We do not want a fascist in The White House.  There is the division between the racist and the anti-racist. There is division among those who are lobbying for the rich and those who are advocating to eliminate poverty. If you want to be an advocate for the rights of all, it will go directly against someone who wants to do right for themselves and their friends. 

In this age of political correctness as a response to political corruption, NRN makes our position plain and clear. We hope that you will join us on this journey to enlighten, inform and sometimes expose in the name of motivating individuals to create transformational political change.

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